Танец. Балет. Хореография

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Искусство. Культура >Танец. Балет. Хореография >

Dances of the Tewa Pueblo Indians: Expressions of New Life

Автор: Jill D. Sweet
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 136
ISBN: 1930618298
Book DescriptionGreat changes have swept the world of the Tewas since 1985, when the first edition of this book appeared, including changes in relationships among Indian communities, the anthropologists who wish to study them, and the non-Indian people who attend these ceremonies. Returning to her classic work, anthropologist Jill D. Sweet reflects upon these changes with exceptional insight. The Tewas have become increasingly sophisticated in managing tourism, including their new casinos, to ensure thatit contributes to the persistence and revitalization of ancient ritual practices. Anthropologists and spectators, meanwhile, have had to grow more attentive to the dignity and privacy of the Tewas. This new edition features the voices of Tewa dancers and composers and images by contemporary Tewa artists that explain the significance of dance to Tewa identity and community. The author frames their words with her own poignant reflections on more than twenty years of study and...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:56:06



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