Автор: [автор не указан] Год: 2013 Издание:Peterson's Страниц: 456 ISBN: 9780768934397 This newly revised undergraduate guide features colorful, easy-to-read profiles of hundreds of colleges and universities from the East to the West Coast of the United States (and several international schools). Designed for the ultimate decision maker-the student-Peterson's "Cool Colleges 2013" contains info on what life's like on campus from sports to dining facilities and more. - Colorful and condensed design that details essential information in an accessible, easy-to read format. - Vibrant school photos that provide a preview of campus and student life. - More than 200 detailed descriptions written by college administrators exclusively for Peterson's. - Enlightening articles that provide info on getting into college and planning your education. - Informative fast-fact sidebars of hundreds of institutions-with facts and figures on enrollment, selectivity (entrance difficulty), minimum ACT and SAT test...