Coaching Models: A Cultural Perspective: A Guide to Model Development: for Practitioners and Students of Coaching
Автор:Diane Lennard Год: 2010 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 152 ISBN: 0415802148 "In addition to providing an extensive analysis of strategies for changing performance and the factors that can impact coaching effectiveness, this book offers what may be a unique value: instead of promoting one approach as the best, Dr. Lennard guides readers through a highly customized process of developing our own individualized coaching model. As a result of the book's thought-provoking activities, I strengthened my own sense of personal authenticity and saw new ways to coach and collaborate fully with employees who may have very different perspectives." Tita Theodora Beal, Learning & Development, Pfizer, Inc. "This is a wise book. The essential take-away is simple and profound. Develop, refine, and apply your own (as in ownership) personalized coaching model. Much is provided; nothing is imposed. Readers are invited to reflect on unique and defining experiences, strengths, values, perspectives and style and to begin creating their own work in progress. Coaching Models will be a...