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Clown Prince Bush the W

Автор: Ted Cohen
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 192
ISBN: 161577646, 161577646X, 161577646X
This imaginative memoir portrays the young George W. Bush. He was a spoiled rich brat. He was an adolescent drunk. He was a prankster frat boy at an Ivy League. His famous father got him out of the draft. He got elected to the highest office in the world. Impressive resume. Stranger than fiction! By the Maine reporter who "busted" W for drunk driving. The biography covers the juvenile career of Geo. W. Bush, his rowdy teenage behavior and drinking habits. His hijinks at Yale and Harvard. Dodging the draft with a little help from Congressman "Poppy" Bush. Inside the Bush Family; mano a mano over an affair his father is having. W's DUI arrest. Eligible bachelor W gets engaged to a nice girl -- so as to be more eligible for a run for Congress. He loses the race but marries Laura Welch anyway. W will be assisted again to rise to high office. Bush comes across as a devil-may-care, insolent youth, with a rude nickname for everyone, always ready to get into mischief, or into a case of...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:38:12



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