Climate Development and History of the North Atlantic Realm
Автор:Hanse Conference on Climate and History, W. H. Berger, K. -E. Behre, E. Jansen, Gerold Wefer, G. Wefer Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 3540432019 The global environment is changing rapidly under the impact of human activities. An important element in this change is related to global climate modification. Experts from the natural and social sciences with a strong interest in history discussed common topics of great interest to society. Can the study of climate and history help in devising strategies for coping with this change? What might be the type of information most useful in this context? What are the pitfalls awaiting the unwary? These and similar questions were discussed during a four-day workshop. The resulting proceedings contain comprehensive papers of broad interest, thematic back-ground papers and reports of study groups. Apart from scientists, the papers should interest graduate students and lecturers.