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Break Free From Job Jail: 8 Proven Steps to Freedom...and You Don't Have to Quit Your Job!

Автор: Stuart M. Friedman
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 216
ISBN: 1439223319
Fight fears of losing your job or being stuck in a work environment you do not like with "Break Free from JobJail: 8 Proven Steps to Freedom . . . and You Don?t Have to Quit Your Job!" by Stuart M. Friedman. This book provides the tools and guidance workers who feel trapped, unfulfilled, or overwhelmed by their jobs need to become more valued at work. Being in JobJail saps creative genius and energy. You feel stuck, stagnated, or you end up unemployed and unsure how to prevent future situations that are simply more of the same. Break Free from JobJail provokes readers to take action to feel better about their jobs, themselves, and their relationships by aligning strengths, experiences, and natural tools (who they are) with what they do. This book benefits people in jobs they do not like, those seeking new jobs, or those about to reenter the workforce. Its teachings apply to business owners, executives, managers, support staff, the self-employed, and even stay-at-home Moms or Dads.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:59



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