Финансовый менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Финансы. Банковское дело. Инвестиции >Финансовый менеджмент >

Biblical Roads to Financial Freedom

Автор: Robert W. Katz
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0768430151
Book DescriptionWealth is a powerful tool for both good and evil. It can quickly destroy the fiber of your soul or it can be a source of tremendous blessing for yourself and others. Biblical Roads to Financial Freedom will help you to navigate your way to financial freedom as well as open up doors to spiritual prosperity. You will learn the ten biblical financial principles that are most often violated by Christians. And you will learn the price you pay if you violate these truths. Biblical Roads to Financial Freedom is your personal roadmap wise decision-making regarding the stewardship of your earthly finances. At the same time you will be shown the pathways to create lasting treasures in heaven.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:22



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