Автор:Anoop Kumar M. L. Год: 2014 Издание:LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Страниц: 84 ISBN: 9783659170096 Beam-Column Joints in a reinforced concrete moment resisting frame are crucial zones for transfer of loads effectively between the connecting elements (i.e. beams and columns) in the structure.The three main factors considered in design of a Beam -Column joint are Anchorage of main reinforcement of the beam, Confinement of the core of joint, Shear strength of the joint. In this book, the Beam-Column joint specimens were designed as per IS 456:2000 and also as per IS 13920:1993 and the influence of increasing their anchorage length by 25% and 50% was studied for load reversal condition. The results of the experimental investigation proved that the load carrying capacity and the energy absorption capacity of the beam column joint was enhanced considerably by the increase of anchorage length in the joint specimens. This book is very useful for the researchers who are doing research on Reinforced Beam-Column connections.