Barnes and Noble Basics Migraines (Barnes & Noble Basics)
Автор:Joan Raymond Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 224 ISBN: 076073982, 076073982X, 076073982X Book Description It's not just another headache: when a migraine strikes, life stops while you deal with the blinding pain, sometimes accompanied by debilitating nausea, impaired sight, and sensitivity to light, sound, and smell. Unfortunately, many of the recommended cures just don't work. Find out exactly what a migraine is (and isn't) using the checklist of symptoms, and how to find relief. What are the newest remedies and who can they help? Does what you eat make a difference? Do hormone levels help cause migraines? And, why do women experience these killer headaches so much more than men? You'll see how to get the right diagnosis, and be your own best advocate. There's no need to suffer anymore, because this advice offers a variety of solutions to help you feel better.