Биографии художников, архитекторов

Список источников >Художественная литература >Биографии. Мемуары >Биографии зарубежных знаменитостей >Биографии художников, архитекторов >

At Work in Paris: Raymond Mason on Art and Artists

Автор: Raymond Mason
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 408
ISBN: 0500511144
Book DescriptionIn 1946, the young English artist Raymond Mason, having already quit his native Midlands for the Royal College of Art and later the Slade School, packed his bags for Paris, then the undisputed artistic capital of the world. There he foundhimself thrust into the company of some of the greatest figures of twentieth-century art, from Balthus to Duchamp, Giacometti, and Picasso, and, inspired by their example, set about making his own distinctive contribution to the history of modern sculpture. In this memoir, Mason vividly conjures up the golden age of the Parisian art world. The cultural impresarios Jean Cocteau and Andre Malraux, the dealers Claude Bernard, Aime Maeght, and Pierre Matisse, and the interactions of visiting British artists Henry Moore and Francis Bacon with the "locals"?all figure in Mason's entertaining account as he pays a by-no-means uncritical tribute to the masters of European modernism. By turns humorous and passionate, Mason...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:37:54



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