Автор:GUL KACMAZ ERK Год: 2010 Издание:LAP Lambert Academic Publishing Страниц: 132 ISBN: 9783838308692 Architecture, whether in the foreground or background, is an intrinsic part of any film, and cinema holds a position as a transformative reference in contemporary architecture. This book addresses the role of architecture in cinema, and through a focus on the use of space, it presents a critical overview of the relation between the two. The cinematic camera, with its unique viewpoint, has the ability to transform architectural space. Through framing, flattening and editing, cinematic space, as the representation of architectural space, focuses on its certain qualities, while eliminating others. Thus, cinema emphasizes individual aspects of space that may be overlooked when the whole context is considered. Space ''acts'' in the foreground rather than simply filling the background in the films of Peter Greenaway and Wim Wenders, which are used to analyze two significant cinematic approaches to space, space as form and space as symbol. The detailed analysis of Greenaway''s The Belly of...