Ancient Wisdom for Modern Management: Machiavelli at 500
Автор:Ralf Lisch Год: 2012 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 164 ISBN: 1409454649 Machiavelli lives. 500 years after Niccolo Machiavelli has written 'The Prince', this classic of the mechanisms behind success in management has not lost its relevance. In an intriguing and inspiring interplay of quotes, interpretations and examples, Dr Ralf Lisch develops Machiavelli's most famous work into a practical guide providing Ancient Wisdom for Modern Management.Many have heard about Machiavelli but few have really read and understood him. Ralf Lisch's analysis of 'The Prince' proves that widespread associations with evil management are a thorough misunderstanding. He has done away with historic ballast and abstains from a moralizing approach that does not do justice to Machiavelli's works. Instead, he lets Machiavelli have his say and provides a positive and pragmatic interpretation of the wisdom of 'The Prince' from a management perspective. It is a fresh approach that combines theoretical analysis with a practical focus.Dealing with a wide range of essential management...