Автор:Anupam Datta Год: 2010 Издание:Книга по Требованию Страниц: 166 ISBN: 9781598296297 Increasingly our critical infrastructures are reliant on computers. We see examples of such infrastructures in several domains, including medical, power, telecommunications, and finance. Although automation has advantages, increased reliance on computers exposes our critical infrastructures to a wider variety and higher likelihood of accidental failures and malicious attacks. Disruption of services caused by such undesired events can have catastrophic effects, such as disruption of essential services and huge financial losses. The increased reliance of critical services on our cyberinfrastructure and the dire consequences of security breaches have highlighted the importance of information security. Authorization, security protocols, and software security are three central areas in security in which there have been significant advances in developing systematic foundations and analysis methods that work for practical systems. This book provides an introduction to this work, covering...