Автор:Dennis E. Adonis Год: 2012 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 58 ISBN: 147003090, 147003090X, 147003090X To the first time user, the beautiful yet seemingly strange Metro User Interface of a Windows 8 computer can create nothing more than instant confusion or setback for commencing even the most basic tasks. The multitudes of flexibilities in Windows 8 have showed some of the ways Microsoft has reengineered the Windows interface for a new generation of touch-centric hardware, and a generation of users who craves for a more simplified yet futuristic Operating System. For a novice, and even the average computer user, the functional nature of Windows 8 may seem to be nothing more than a technology drawn from an advance alien planet. Hence, this Reference Book (by Software Engineer, Dennis Adonis) is intended to address the possible challenges that can be faced by first time users of the Windows 8 Operating System.