Академическая литература издательств Америки

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Научная и техническая литература >Академическая литература зарубежных издательств >Издательство Wiley >Академическая литература издательств Америки >

ABC of Eating Disorders (ABC Series)

Автор: Jane Morris
Год: 2008
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 80
ISBN: 0727918435
The ABC of Eating Disorders is a comprehensive primer for GPs, dieticians, psychiatrists and community health teams who need to incorporate a sophisticated awareness of this field into their professional practice. It spans, and differentiates, eating and feeding disorders from diagnosis to their management and treatment. With a focus on primary care, this ABC touches on the medico-legal aspects and ethical issues of treating eating disorders and specialist referral.This new title in the successful ABC series describes working with families, children and other specialist populations, such as the elderly, men and minority groups. It helps primary care practitioners recognise eating disorders in people presenting with other problems, while the section on comorbidity discusses the treatment of eating disorders existing with other conditions.The ABC of Eating Disorders is accessible - sufferers will find it provides a useful background to self help materials, and their lay carers will be...
Добавлено: 2014-01-30 03:33:12



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