История зарубежного искусства

Список источников >Нехудожественная литература >Искусство. Культура >Искусствоведение. История искусств >История зарубежного искусства >

A More Abundant Life: New Deal Artists and Public Art in New Mexico

Автор: Jacqueline Hoefer
Год: 2003
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 195
ISBN: 0865343713
Book DescriptionArtists began coming to New Mexico in the late nineteenth century. They came from everywhere, from Maine to California and a few from Europe. They were attracted by the dazzling New Mexican landscape, the hospitality of town and village life, and very important, the Indian and Hispanic cultures that had shaped the artistic imagination of New Mexico for centuries. From an artist?s point of view it was a rich mix, and between art and odd jobs, they managed to make a living. Until the Great Depression of the 1930s. Then, as the artist Louie Ewing said, "the jobs ran out." No matter what you were willing to do, there was no work, and nobody was buying pictures and pots. Help came from Washington. New Deal planners offered artistsjobs to "beautify" the community. Almost immediately, artists in New Mexico picked up their brushes and chisels, and for almost ten years, between 1933 and 1943, signed onto Federal programs. How did artists, traditionally loners,...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:55:28



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