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A Dog's Advice to Leaders: 13 Common Sense Principles to Enhance your People Skills and Make You a More Effective Leader

Автор: Jo Ellen Roe
Год: 2008
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 80
ISBN: 0615221777
Leaders, have you ever had a "people problem" you struggled with? This little book, a light-hearted look at the serious topic of leadership that's not as effective as it could be, provides 13 common sense principles. Follow these principles, and you'll almost certainly increase your people skills and enhance your effectiveness as a leader. Miss Brown, the Chocolate Labrador Retreiver who narrates the book, has top-notch people skills of her own. She knows just what tactics will work with her people! She would love to share her wisdom with you to to help you be as effective as she is when getting the people who "work" for her to do what she wants. Jo Ellen Roe, Miss Brown's best friend, has been a student of leadership for a number years, and in her career as a communicator, has worked for more than 20 leaders. She knows what works with employees and what makes the leader's job more difficult than it has to be. She also understands that busy leaders need a quick,...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:15:24



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