A Cross Sectional Study of the Relation between Non-Acute Emergency Department Presentations and Bulk Billing General Practice using the ARIA Score in Queensland: Does Location Matter?
Автор:Mr Nicholas Kondisenko Год: 2012 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 50 ISBN: 1481025406 The effects of overcrowding in the Emergency Department (ED) have been previously reported as a major problem for Australian public hospitals. Previous studies have argued that reduced levels of GP Bulk-billing have resulted in ED overcrowding due to an increase in non-emergency [non-acute] ED presentations. This is widely accepted as a major problem for regional Australians. The extent to which remoteness and geography influence the demand for non-acute ED presentations is not fully explained. It has been hard to quantify the effect of geography and location on use of ED departments because they do not serve defined populations. This study will explore utilisation rates and identify determinates of non-acute ED presentations and bulk-billing GPa??s in rural/remote areas compared to city/urban areas. It will demonstrate rates of contact presentations of ED services and General Practice calculated by Statistical Local Areas, using an ARIA weighted score of remoteness in Queensland....