401(K) Take Charge of Your Future: A Unique and Comprehensive Guide to Getting the Most Out of Your Retirement Plans
Автор:Eric Schurenberg Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0446690325 From the wildly popular Money(r) series, this clear and easy-to-understand guide, now fully revised and updated, outlines the best ways to create dependable retirement plans, no matter what the market is doing. Everyone knows the benefits of a 401(k) plan, but not everyone knows how to manage one for maximum returns--particularly in light of frightening market volatility. And with the many recent changes to 401(k) policies, it's a daunting process to handle without an expert--until now. 401(k) TAKE CHARGE OF YOUR FUTURE confidently offers readers detailed investment strategies, including: i computing how much money will be needed for retirement i determining how much money to invest from each paycheck i choosing the right stock and bond funds i taking money out--without being socked with taxes i avoiding the most common investment mistakes i getting the highest returns for the least risk i and much more.