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30 Rock and Philosophy

Автор: William Irwin
Год: 2010
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 240
ISBN: 9780470575581
Should you let Oprah be your guide? Is immoral behavior no laughing matter? Can Devon Banks choose his sexual orientation? Is that a dealbreaker? Hello, dummy. Wait! Don?t stop reading. This is really important. I?m dying. Okay, that was a lie. It?s about this TV show I love. I recently discovered that I?m a 30 Rock addict. From Jack Donaghy?s management advice to the things Liz Lemon has to do just to get a show on the air every week, 30 Rock raises all kinds of ethical dilemmas and philosophical issues. Okay, it?s not like reading Wittgenstein, but it makes you wise. Like a genetically manipulated shark. Every essay in 30 Rock and Philosophy takes some of my favorite scenes from the show and uses them to explain important philosophical issues. Even the most esoteric ideas become understandable when Kenneth is involved. So if you watch the show for Tracy?s antics, Dr. Spaceman?s medical advice, or just to look at Tina Fey, read this book and you?ll walk away...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 07:58:59



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