Общий менеджмент

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21 Top Methods To Earn Quick Money: Your Best Guide In Learning The Secrets Of How To Raise Money Fast For Generating Quick Money Making Ideas As Successful Ways To Get Rich And Make Money Today

Автор: Betty J. Hovey
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 62
ISBN: 1481025007
Unlike virtually all of the other guides you’ll find on the Internet about making money fast, this one won’t tell you to do it through questionable, unreasonable strategies; or through a business opportunity that will incur a loss in the short run. In fact, this guide is the opposite of that. It focuses on how you can make money in the short run--legally, and by using reasonable, easy-to-follow methods. It won’t tell you to incur losses, to make large investments up front, or to be patient. This guide is designed for people like you: people who need money now; and can’t wait for some business opportunity to work itself out. With that said, let’s get into the substantive content. In the next 21 mini-chapters, you will learn how to make money online and offline in a short amount of time and without risking any large investments in the process. Don’t hesitate! Don’t waste time! Grab this book and earn quick money now!
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:44:00



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