Общий менеджмент

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The Six Sigma Performance Handbook (Six Sigma Operational Methods)

Автор: Praveen Gupta
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0071437649
Book DescriptionProfits in tough times require prioritization and focus. If properly managed, Six Sigma methods can deliver dramatic improvement by increasing manufacturing and process efficiencies. But nearly 60% of all corporate Six Sigma initiatives fail to yield the desired results -- often companies take the "fighting fires" approach to business and do not take time to understand what the data in telling them, which is why many Six Sigma projects fail. The high-visibility of the Six Sigma Initiative has corporate executives committing to significant investment in resources often without any tangible improvement in profitability -- a fact neglected by most Six Sigma books. Written with Green belts, and managers in mind, this reference shows readers how to statistically evaluate a Six Sigma program, identify problems, and make tailor-made adjustments to get the desired results and revitalize a program.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:14:49



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