Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman and the Surrender of Japan
Radio Goes to War: The Cultural Politics of Propaganda During World War II
Rangers at Dieppe: The First Combat Action of U.S. Army Rangers in World War II
Rangers in World War II
Rations of the German Wehrmacht in World War II
Reflecting on WWII, Manzanar, and the Wra
Remember World War II
Remembering Occupied Warsaw – Polish Narratives of World War II
Remembering: Stories from the World War II Pacific
Rendezvous with Destiny
Repicturing the Second World War: Representations in Film and Television
Rescue from Ploesti: The Harry Fritz Story : A World War II Triumph
Rifle-Butts, Bombs, Soup & Lice: A World War II Memoir
Robbery and Restitution
Roi Ottley's World War II: The Lost Diary of an African American Journalist
Rosie the Riveter: Women Working on the Homefront in World War II
Rosie the Rubber Worker: Women Workers in Akron's Rubber Factories During World War II
Russia's War
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