Ideas of Quantum Chemistry
Ignition of Composite Energetic Materials to Electrostatic Discharge
III Международная конференция по коллоидной химии и физико-химической механике, посвященная двухсотлетию открытия электрокинетических явлений Ф. Ф. Рейссом
Important Methods for Waste Water Treatment:Adsorption and Reduction
Incorporating Molecular Dynamics Simulations into Drug Design
Influence of additives on microstructure of reverse micelles
Influence of viscosity on the diffusion of charges
Integrated Computational Approaches in Hydrolysis of Biomolecules
Integration of Innovative Oxide Materials in an IT-SOFC
Interaction between Water Soluble Polymers and Charged Surfactants
Interfacial Rheology of Biomacromolecular Assemblies
Intramolecular Charge Transfer in Cinnamic Acid Derivatives
Introduction to the Density Functional Method in Hydrodynamics
Introduction To The Rarer Elements
Introductory Thermodynamics
Investigation of Electrical Properties of(p-n) Junction Porous Silicon
Investigation of Hydrogen Bonding and Proton Transfer in Nitrosamine
Isotope Photochemistry
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