B is for Bauhaus: An A-Z of the Modern World
Baghdad Arts Deco: Architectural Brickwork, 1920-1950
Barcelona And Gaudi: Examples of Modernist Architecture
Barcelona Architecture & Design
Barcelona: Arhitecture Guide
Bars: Designer and Design / Bares: Arquitectura y diseno
Basics Architecture: Architectural Design
Basilica: The Splendor and the Scandal: Building St. Peter's
Beach Clubs
Beijing, Architecture & Design
Believing and Seeing: The Art of Gothic Cathedrals
Best Ugly: Restaurant Concepts and Architecture by Avroko
Best Ugly: Restaurant Concepts and Architecture by AvroKO
Biennials - art on a global scale (Edition Angewandte)
Boris Voskoboynikov: Interiors / Борис Воскобойников. Интерьеры
Boutique Hotels
Building Type Basics for Research Laboratories
Buildings for Industrial Storage and Distribution
Buildings for the Performing Arts
Built from Below: British Architecture and the Vernacular
Built to Meet Needs: Cultural Issues in Vernacular Architecture
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