Careless Love: The Unmaking of Elvis Presley
Caspar Lee
Casting Might-Have-Beens: A Film-by-Film Directory of Actors Considered For Roles Given To Others
Cesaria Evora
Chaplin: The Dictator and the Tramp
Charlie Chaplin at Keystone and Essanay : Dawn of the Tramp
Charlie Chaplin: Interviews
Charlie King: We Called Him "Blackie"
Charlotte : Being a True Account of an Actress's Flamboyant Adventures in Eighteenth-Century London's Wild and Wicked Theatrical World
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Christopher Walken A to Z: The Man-The Movies-The Legend
Clark Gable: Tormented Star
Classic Hollywood Stars
Clint Eastwood
Clint Eastwood: Billion Dollar Man
Clyde Fitch And His Letters
Cold Snap As Yearning
Colin Farrell: Living Dangerously
Como Ser Adorable Segun Audrey Hepburn (Spanish Edition)
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Cowboy Princess : Life with My Parents Roy Rogers and Dale Evans
Cruise Control
Cursum Perficio: Marilyn Monroe's Brentwood Hacienda--The Story of Her Final Months
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