В данном списке отображены только первые 30 книг. Воспользуйтесь алфавитным фильтром для поиска нужной вам книги!
2012. Новое в налогообложении
Alternative Methodologies for Social Assessment of Environmental Projects
CASE-технологии создания имитационных моделей в среде Pilgrim 5
D-optimal Design for Polynomial Regression: Choice of Degree and Robustness
Descriptive Analysis of Matrix-Valued Time-Series
Diffuse entrepreneurship and the very heart of «made in Italy», for fashion and luxury goods
Do secrets come out? Statistical evaluation of student cheating
Does India have a stable demand for money function after reforms? A macroeconometric analysis
Econometric Modeling and Analysis of Residential Water Demand Based on Unbalanced Panel Data
Energy consumption and economic growth: Evidence from nonlinear panel cointegration and causality tests
Energy consumption, oil price and macroeconomic performance in energy dependent African countries
Equity and Health
Estimating the demand for money in Libya: An application of the Lagrange multiplier structural break unit root test and the ARDL cointegration approach
Explaining subjective well-being: the role of victimization, trust, health, and social norms
Fast methods for jackknifing inequality indices
HR-брендинг в обеспечении конкурентоспособности компаний
ICT and innovative educational system as key factors of world-class universities’ competitive power
Income and health care utilization among the 50+ in Europe and the US
Indoor-реклама. Учебное пособие
Inflation, output growth and their uncertainties in South Africa: Empirical evidence from an asymmetric multivariate GARCH-M model
Instruments and institutions of the information economy in the industrial development of Russia
Internet-трафик: защита сетевых ресурсов организации
ISDN – цифровая сеть интегрированных служб
IT в совершенствовании профессионального английского инженерной элиты
IT-сервисы в процессном подходе к управлению
ITSM-подход в управлении ИТ-инфраструктурой сети МПК
IТ: обзор рынка и примеры классификации специальностей
K-anonymity: A note on the trade-off between data utility and data security
LMW-фактор международной конкурентоспособности национальной образовательной отрасли
Measuring income equity in the demand for healthcare with finite mixture models
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