Fantastic and imaginative works by Russian Artists
Fiodor Rokotov
Five Hundred Years of French Painting (Альбом в 2 томах)
Five Hundred Years of French Painting. 15th to 20th centuries / Пять веков французской живописи. XV-XX века
Franzosische Buchmalerei des XV. Jahrhunderts in Moskauer Sammlungen. Stundenbucher
Franzosische Malerei der zweiten Halfte des 19. und Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts: Die Ermitage Leningrad
French Painting from the Pushkin Museum
French painting second half of the 19th to early 20th century
French painting second half of the 19th to the early 20th century. The Hermitage
French Painting: Second Half of the 19th to the Early 20th Century: The Hermitage Leningrad
Funf Jahrhunderte Franzosische malerei. В двух томах
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