Статистика и приложения

Список источников >Математика >Вероятность >Статистика и приложения >

Randomization in Clinical Trials : Theory and Practice

Автор: Rosenberger W.F., Lachin J.M.
Год: 2002

Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: [не указан]
Rosenberger (mathematics and statistics, University of Maryland) and Lachin (biostatistics and statistics, George Washington University) combine applied aspects of randomization in clinical trials with a probabilistic treatment of properties of randomization in this text/reference for biostatistics graduate students and biostatisticians in practice. Taking a non-Bayesian and nonparametric approach to inference, they focus on the linear rank test under a randomization model, and discuss likelihood-based inference as well.
Добавлено: 2009-08-09 01:26:36

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