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Voyage of a Summer Sun: Canoeing the Columbia River (Northwest Reprints)

Автор: Robin Cody
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 308
ISBN: 0870716611
“The story is the Columbia River, not the canoe and me, but I’ve learned that friends can’t hear me tell about the river until they know why I was out there. This is not an adventure story, though some adventure was unavoidable, and I didn’t set out to find myself if I could help it. Nor did I launch the trip with a large point to prove. It was a voyage of discovery, and its telling is the uncovering of surprise on a river I thought I knewa?¦” a??Robin Cody, from the prologueOn a June morning in 1990, high up in the Canadian Rockies, Robin Cody pushed his sixteen-foot Kevlar canoe through tall grass and mud to launch it on peaceful Columbia Lake, the nominal source of the river that heaves more water into the Pacific ocean than any other in North or South America. For the next eighty-two days, Cody would portage massive dams and revel in the rapids as the great river plunges 2,700 feet in 1,200 miles before reaching the river’s mouth in Astoria.Cody’s canoe sneaks up on the bear and...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:09:48

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