This Job Should Be Fun!: The New Profit Strategy for Managing People in Tough Times
Автор:Bob, Ph.D. Basso, Judi Klosek, Judi J. D. Klosek Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0595141420 THIS JOB SHOULD BE FUN is the recognized colorful, step by step bible of systematizing productive fun as a profit strategy to motivate the 21st century’s “New Breed Worker.” They have redefined the meaning of productivity with their new demands for satisfaction: I want to enjoy my work. I want to participate in the decisions that control my life. I want the boss to show me extraordinary care. I want it to be fun . New times demand new leadership. TJSBF outlines the power ofThe Light Manager to create increased cooperation and productivity by constantly sending the messages: I Care-You Matter-This Job Should Be Fun! Jammed packed with case studies that dramatically prove fun fattens the bottom line and all productivity in this new wired world starts with people enjoying their life at work. A breezy, easy-to-read guide to new leadership authored by Dr. Bob Basso, the man People Magazine calls, “America’s number one fun-motivator.”