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The Works of Francis Bacon, Vol. 4 of 15 (Classic Reprint)

Автор: Francis Bacon
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 488
ISBN: 1440040729
Among the eight subjects "which were to have been handled in the remaining books of the Novum Organurn (see ii. 21.), the last but one is entitled Deparascevis ad inquisitionem, under which head Bacon intended (as appears by the introduction to the following treatise) to set forth the character of the Natural and Experimental History, which was to form the third part of the Instauratio.What may have been the logical connexion between these eight subjects which determined him to reserve this for the penultimate place, it seems impossible, by the help of the titles alone, to divine. But whatever die order in which he thought advisable to approach it, there can be no doubt that this Natural and Experimental History was always regarded by him as a part of his system both fundamental and indispensable. So earnestly indeed and so frequently does he insist on the importance of it, that I once believed it to be the one real novelty which distinguished his philosophy from those of his...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:38:22

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