Общий менеджмент

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The Tradinng Millonaire : Underground Secret Forex Strategies And Weird Trading Tricks Turning You Millionaire: Bust Through The Losing Curve, Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, Join The New Rich

Автор: Doctor Forex
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 78
ISBN: 1481083643
If you are already making thousands of dollars trading Forex and make a full time extravagant living taking a couple of trades a month, then, please skip this book and go find something else to do. So, on the other sidea?¦ do you live in a self denial chasing the next best system? STOPa?¦ Enough is enough, enough ridicule from your relatives and friends, ita??s time to show your guts. Face it, think about it, what would you think if you were on the other side looking through the eyes of your family and friends. All you see is a loser, getting ups and downs totally controlled by the next guru they read about. Doode ,this gota stop! Trust me, I know you feel the pain. I can kind of still remember ita?¦kind of hard to do when I am sitting on my yacht in the Caribbean sipping from something that comes with umbrella on top. See, it didna??t use to be that way, not too long, couple of years agoa?¦ but I will tell you about that later in my letter Ha! Forex trading is not all it is...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:43:50

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