Организационный и производственный менеджмент

Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Менеджмент >Организационный и производственный менеджмент >

The Three Faces Of Leadership: Manager, Artist, Priest

Автор: Mary Jo Hatch
Год: 2005
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 1405122609
Book DescriptionThe Three Faces of Leadership takes readers inside the minds of CEOs who have been celebrated by the Harvard Business Review over the last decade of the twentieth century. Drawing on interviews with these famous CEOs, Mary Jo Hatch, Monika Kostera and Andrzej K. Kozminski demonstrate how business leaders today use aesthetics, specifically storytelling, dramatizing and mythmaking, to lead their companies successfully. They look at how they inspire organizations through their creativity, virtue and faith, and thus show the faces of the artist and priest alongside the technical and rational face of the manager. The Three Faces of Leadership features clear and accessible explanations of the aesthetic philosophy of management: as appliedto the concepts of creativity, imagination, courage, virtue, inspiration, faith and ethics. It presents techniques for developing these qualities as an essential part of leadership; together with the capacity to communicate them to...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:11

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