The Special Events Advisor : A Business and Legal Guide for Event Professionals
Автор:David Sorin Год: 2003 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471450103 Book DescriptionThere's no dearth of books on the logistics of event planning, but not much has been published to address the legal and business issues that concern the thousands of companies that make up this industry. This book covers all the legal andbusiness issues that special events professionals need to understand -- from contractual considerations to little-known governmental regulations with heavy ramifications. Ignorance of the law can prove very costly in an industry in which expectations must be met the first time, and in our ever-more litigious society, the need for this niche title is clear. Download DescriptionThere's no dearth of books on the logistics of event planning, but not much has been published to address the legal and business issues that concern the thousands of companies that make up this industry. This book covers all the legal and business issues that special events professionals need to understand -- from contractual considerations to little-known...