
Список источников >Бизнес-книги >Предпринимательство. Отраслевой бизнес >Недвижимость >

The Co-Op Bible: Everything You Need to Know About Co-Ops and Condos : Getting In, Staying In, Surviving, Thriving

Автор: Sylvia Shapiro
Год: [не указано]
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: [не указано]
ISBN: 0312194471
A user-friendly guide to the art of living in a co-op and condo Sylvia Shapiro, a lawyer and board president of a major Manhattan apartment building, has written what will become required reading for anyone buying or selling an apartment, or curious about entering the fray of the co-op and condo market. Shapiro answers all the questions apartment dwellers are afraid of asking the board, broker, lawyer, or accountant-and she does so without talking down or a steep hourly fee. Included are such topics as: Is the building right for you? How can you make the approval process go as smoothly as possible? What should you do if the board rejects you? And what if you get in? Can you keep your dog? How much power does the board really have? Having lived in her building for more than a decade in blissful ignorance of how it was run, Shapiro awoke one morning to discover that her building was going co-op, and she intended to buy. Intent on protecting her investment, she took on...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:16:07

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