The Art of Constructive Confrontation : How to Achieve More Accountability with Less Conflict
Автор:John Hoover Год: 2005 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 047171853, 047171853X, 047171853X Book DescriptionPraise for The Art of Constructive Confrontation "There's no magic formula for building a successful enterprise, large or small. If you're in the business of making a profit, you're in the business of building people. First you build your people. After that, your people produce the profit. The Art of Constructive Confrontation is an easy-to-follow, systematic process that makes sure you don't get those things backwards. Constructive confrontation is the closest thing you'll ever find to hold people accountable for what they do, while at the same time reducing the conflicts that get in the way of productivity and, ultimately, profits." ?Spencer Hays, founder, The Tom James Company Executive Chairman, Southwestern/Great American, Inc. "The Art of Constructive Confrontation is a clear and concise road map to making the all-important conversations between team leaders and team members happen. More than that, the constructive confrontation process...