Service-Learning . . . by Degrees: How Adolescents Can Make a Difference in the Real World
Автор:Alice Terry, Jann Bohnenberger Год: 2007 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: 184 ISBN: 0325009864 s Adolescents need more than in-school learning. They need to see the connection between classroom learning and the world around them. Service-learning forges that connection by combining the best aspects of experiential learning, immersion, and social interaction. Yet despite its obvious advantages, there is a critical shortage of practical guides to assist in implementing and sustaining successful service-learning programs for adolescents. Service-Learninga€¦by Degrees changes that. s Service-Learninga€¦by Degrees is based on the more than thirty-five years of collective experience Alice Terry and Jann Bohnenberger have in creating, refining, and managing high-quality, meaningful service-learning projects for middle school students. From the ground up, Service-Learninga€¦by Degrees takes you through the developmental aspects of the most popular and effective types of service-learning, first clarifying competing and confusing notions of what it is (and isn't)...