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Sandlot Stats: Learning Statistics with Baseball

Автор: Stanley Rothman
Год: 2012
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 586
ISBN: 1421406020
As Derek Jeter strolls toward the plate, the announcer tosses out a smattering of statisticsa??from hitting streaks to batting averages. But what do the numbers mean? And how can Americaa??s favorite pastime be a model for learning about statistics? Sandlot Stats is an innovative textbook that explains the mathematical underpinnings of baseball so that students can understand the world of statistics and probability. Carefully illustrated and filled with exercises and examples, this book teaches the fundamentals of probability and statistics through the feats of baseball legends such as Hank Aaron, Joe DiMaggio, and Ted Williamsa??and more recent players such as Barry Bonds, Albert Pujols, and Alex Rodriguez. Exercises require only pen-and-paper or Microsoft Excel to perform the analyses. Sandlot Stats covers all the bases, includinga?? descriptive and inferential statisticsa?? linear regression and correlationa?? probabilitya?? sports bettinga?? probability distribution functionsa??...
Добавлено: 2014-06-30 09:35:55

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