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Revolution at a Crossroads: Iran's Domestic Politics and Regional Ambitions

Автор: David Menashri
Год: 1997
Издание: The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Страниц: 112
ISBN: 094402968, 094402968X, 094402968X
In an incisive account of contemporary events in Iran, David Menashri examines how the contending forces of revolutionary zeal and the demands of governance - personi­fied in the ongoing power struggle between the pragmatic faction of President Rafsanjani and the militant conservative taction led by Supreme Leader 'Ali Khamene'i - have resulted in a series of contradictions in Iran's domestic and foreign policy. Since the death of Ayatollah Khomeini, neither faction has had the political power, religious authority, or mass appeal needed to resolve the political, economic, and social problems that first precipitated the revolution and now undermine its legitimacy. As challenges to the regime continue to mount, Menashri contends that Tehran is likely to maintain this uneasy balance between pragmatism and ideology, which may protect the regime in the short run but help erode its long-term stability.
Добавлено: 2017-05-26 13:13:32

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