Reshaping Economic and Monetary Union : Membership Rules and Budget Policies in Germany, France and Spain (Europe in Change)
Автор:Shawn W. Donnelly Год: 2005 Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0719068509 Book Description This work reveals the reasons why the rules of monetary union in Europe were reopened and changed after the Maastricht Treaty, and explains why they might be changed again in the future. Following Maastricht, national governments found themselves pushed into distinctive roles, as promoters, gatekeepers, reformers and defectors, as voter preferences and central bank powers combined in different ways to create clear incentives for politicians. These roles explain the push from certain countries for specific changes to EMU rules, why some countries needed EMU more than others and under what conditions pressure to create an economic government for Europe could succeed or fail.