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Rebel Chief : The Motley Life of Colonel William Holland Thomas C.S.A.

Автор: Paul A. Thomsen
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 304
ISBN: 0765309580
Book Description After the phenomenal success of his first novel Cold Mountain, Charles Frazier described his next novel as being based on the life of a white man who was made an Indian chief, served in the government in Washington D.C., fought on the side of the South in the Civil War by leading a band of guerilla warriors, and eventually wound up dying in a mental institution. That man was William Holland Thomas. Thomas, a Southerner, has a story that embodies much of the dark side of the American dream in the 19th century. At an early age he was adopted by a local Cherokee tribe as he engaged in trade to support himself and his mother. As the "frontier" moved further west, he acted on behalf of the tribe in their negotiations with the U.S.government. Part Indian agent, part politician he negotiated their treaties and was named a chief. During the Civil War he organized them into a fierce counterinsurgent guerilla band responsible for protecting the mountain passes...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 16:05:41

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