Автор:Tara Mohr Год: 2014 Издание:Hutchinson Страниц: 270 ISBN: 9780091954369 At last. At last this very important book has been written, encouraging women to take up all the creative space they deserve in the world. I hope it will empower legions of women to step into their greatness. ELIZABETH GILBERT, author of EAT, PRAY, LOVE The groundbreaking book that gives every woman the practical skills they need to begin PLAYING BIG. Five years ago, Tara Mohr began to see a pattern in her work as an expert in leadership: women with tremendous talent, ideas and aspiration were not recognising their own brilliance. They felt that they were ‘playing small’ in their lives and careers and wanted to ‘play bigger’, but didn’t know how. And so Tara devised a step-by-step programme for playing big from the inside out: this book is the result. Many women are aware of the changes they need to make to be more successful, but they don't know how to become that more confident woman they'd like to be. Playing Big provides real,...