Phrases That Sell : The Ultimate Phrase Finder to Help You Promote Your Products, Services, and Ideas
Автор:Edward W. Werz, Sally Germain Год: [не указано] Издание:McGraw-Hill Contemporary Страниц: 160 ISBN: 0809229773 "An excellent 'ready reference' both for copywriters and for those entering the field." -- Robert Goldsborough, Special Projects Director Advertising Age "Holy smoke! This is amazing! A thesaurus for advertising copywriters. Where has it been allmy life?" -- Denny Hatch, Editor Target Marketing Six seconds. That's all you have to grab your prospect's attention and make a sale. Use the right phrase or slogan, however, and you've made your sale. Use the wrong one, and you've lost your opportunity . . . maybe forever. Choosing the right phrase or slogan is vital to your success. And so is Phrases That Sell . It's the ultimate resource for anyone needing hands-on, instant access to the key phrases, slogans, and attention grabbers thatwill gain more attention and sell more product. Organized by category . . . indexed and cross-referenced for ease of use . . . loaded with expert advice on how to write copy that sells, Phrases That Sell covers everything,...