Английский язык

Список источников >Учебная литература >Школьникам и абитуриентам >Дополнительные учебные пособия >Английский язык >

Perseus and Andromeda (комплект из 2 книг + CD-ROM)

Автор: Jenny Dooley
Год: 2007
Издание: Express Publishing
Страниц: 104
ISBN: 9781842161609
Acrisius could not see it, but there was a thin opening in the rock in front of the Priestess, and something like white smoke was coming out of it. It was the message Apollo was sending her. The Priestess listened to the smoke as it moved past her, and she waited until it left before she spoke. "The only child you and your wife will have is the one you have now. You will not have a son, but your daughter will. You must be careful of this child because one day he will kill you." "My daughter's son? But why? How can I stop this from happening?" В комплект входят книги: Perseus and Andromeda, Activity Book и CD-ROM.
Добавлено: 2014-01-30 04:26:08

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