Performance Improvement Methods: Fighting the War on Waste
Автор:H. James Harrington, Kenneth C. Lomax Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0070271410 Waste-eliminating, performance-improvement weapons Discover the best ways to overcome today?s most stubborn business issues: waste of resources, personnel, and opportunity. Performance Improvement Methods, by H. James Harrington and Kenneth C. Lomax, details the 85 most effective performance-enhancing weapons you can use to get the most from the least, and get the jump on your competitors. You'll learn about activity-based of experiments...failure mode and effect analysis...matrix data analysis...process benchmarking, redesign,and reengineering...QFD...simulation modeling...the six-sigma system...value-added analysis...and all the other strategies performance experts have identified as the best ways to promote efficiency and productivity, and maximize opportunities in every arena. This book/CD-ROM package gives you ready-to-download sample forms, agreements and analyses, plus exercises, games,definitions, case histories and more that help you put these creative...