Pay Yourself First : A Commonsense Guide to Life-Cycle Retirement Investing
Автор:Timothy W. Cunningham, Clay B. Mansfield Год: [не указано] Издание: [не указанo] Страниц: [не указано] ISBN: 0471162485 In this concise, accessible guide, Timothy W. Cunningham and Clay B. Mansfield, cofounders of the Life Cycle Mutual Funds TM , show you how to meet the financial challenge of retirement with a revolutionary new approach: life cycle retirement investing. Based on common sense, life cycle retirement investing breaks from conventional thinking and hard-to-understand modern portfolio theory to put you at the center of your retirement investing plan. Using stories and easy-to-understand basic concepts, Pay Yourself First gives you the right tools to take charge of your finances and achieve a secure retirement. "A must-read for baby boomers who want to live happily ever after." —Peter Bernstein Editor, The Practical Guide to Practically Everything Executive Editor, U.S. News and World Report "Starting with the title, there's loads of good advice in this book. The authors apply basic economic principles to illuminate the challenges of saving and investing. Readers...