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Panic Child

Автор: Carol D. Levine
Год: 2009
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 310
ISBN: 143924426, 143924426X, 143924426X
Carol D. Levine’s Panic Child is more than a chilling memoir of a painful childhood at the hands of a menacing father, a sexually abusive uncle, and a rapist who snatched her from the street. It is the story of survival and one child’s extraordinary inner strength that moved her forward, through difficult years, a disastrous marriage and, finally, into a career counseling others…and living as an example for so many who have suffered and searched for a path out of their darkness. Throughout her story, Levine shares vignettes from her life?trying, tragic, sometimes humorous?and teaches through her mistakes how to recognize the poor choices we often make when the pain from our wounded history too often determines our decisions. Again and again, Levine points out the behavioral patterns that cruelty fosters, such as women who marry men not unlike their abusive fathers. From the first disturbing page to the joyful last, there is much to be learned from this story of courage and triumph.
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:38:21

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