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Lita : A Less Traveled R.O.A.D.--The Reality of Amy Dumas

Автор: Michael Krugman
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 352
ISBN: 074347399, 074347399X, 074347399X
Book Description Taking unexpected risks, daring to do what no one has done before, that's the reality of Amy Dumas, the remarkable woman behind Lita?. With only a guidebook for a companion, Amy set out for Mexico City to learn about lucha libre, Mexico's professional wrestling. She returned to the States, resolute in her goal to be a professional wrestler. Amy found people who saw her determination and her heart, and agreed to train her. She met a number of wrestlers who would prove influential in her career. Among them were two North Carolina stars who had just signed with World Wrestling Entertainment? -- Matt and Jeff Hardy. Amy formed an instant bond with the brothers; their high-flying bravado inspired her own ring style. It wasn't long before Amy -- now christened Lita -- joined WWE.? She proved to be a pioneer in women's wrestling. It took a broken neck suffered on the set of a television series to stop her...but only temporarily. Lita: A...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:38:16

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