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Автор: Joseph Rodriguez
Год: 2004
Издание: [не указанo]
Страниц: 160
ISBN: 157687138, 157687138X, 157687138X
Book DescriptionThe Federal Bureau of Investigation recently reported that youth violence in inner cities is declining. However, even as violence declines, incarceration rates rise and prison terms lengthen. For his second powerHouse Books monograph, Juvenile, photographer Joseph Rodriguez spent several years following a dozen youths, from arrest, counseling, trial adjudication, and incarceration, to release, probation, house arrest, group homes, and the search for employment and meaning in their lives. Additionally, Rodriguez documented some of the people who work in the juvenile justice system: judges, public defenders, district attorneys, probation officers, and social workers. Many of these kids face great obstacles, including a criminal justice system with decreasing political interest in offering second chances for renewal. Through the power of his photographs, Rodriguez shows us how these kids struggle and how they fight to change their lives. "A couple of years...
Добавлено: 2013-10-22 15:54:49



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